sleepwalking through august

  1. Shocking Pinks, “Dressed to Please (Echospace reduction)” (DFA)
  2. Sebbo, “Watamu Beach (Moritz von Oswald rework) (Desolat)
  3. Koss, “Negai” (Innervisions)
  4. Prosumer & Murat Tepeli, “Solid Mind” (Ostgut Tonträger)
  5. Cassy, “Somelightuntothenight” (Beatstreet)
  6. The KLF, “Wichita Lineman Was a Song I Once Heard” (KLF Communications)
  7. Ricardo Villalobos, “Dexter” (Playhouse)
  8. Depeche Mode, “Peace (Ben Klock remix)” (Mute)
  9. Carsten Jost, “Love” (Dial)


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